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i have a thing for foxes, red doors, and new friends. i also love to shop. a lot. i have nothing profound to say...but you should visit anyway (that rhymed!)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

ma meilleure amie

in 2005 i met this beautiful french girl names Clemence.
we were at a cookout, school semester had just started, and she was doing a semester exchange.
i wanted to be her best friend..but she didn't seem to reciprocate..(weird i know..i'm so great!)
apparently later i found out that she thought i was a typical american girl..blond and talked alot..oops.
but..i wooed her with my charm..or my free rides to the mall :)
even if it was in the bullet (french girl don't judge me..i'm so cool!)
over the next school year, we became incredibly close..but sadly she would be going back to France.

we said a semi tearful goodbye..and i'd be lying to say i expected to see her again..i did not.

however, she came back..6 mths later :)

Then a year after that..i flew to Paris and spent a week with her...

then sadly..2008 passed, and we didn't see each other...
but alas...
2009 Clemence sister Alice shows up to Ky..

(don't you love the creepy pic in the background?? that is for another day..)
Alice came to ky for a year exchange as well, and she showed up a few mths before our wedding. Which was awesome..because Clemence came to our wedding that fall! It was a wonderful surprise, and she was my sanity that week.
The week before my wedding was stressful..and she was there to talk to me, and comfort me, and give me advice..and just be a best friend. i will never forget that.

(this was taken by my photographer at my wedding..stunning)

Alice is in town again for a summer internship, and she spent some time with Jon and I last night.
It was so fun, but of course always makes me miss Clemence. It is TOTALLY my turn to go visit her...maybe next year :)

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