this may surprise you...but, i don't take a lot of time to get dressed typically. those who have lived with me may try to argue this. but when i am getting ready with someone..i will take longer.
but overall, i get dressed pretty fast.
is there a problem with this? no..not's great...except when it comes to packing.
when i am getting ready..i have either thought/planned ahead and know what i'm going to wear. throw something on last minute..or put on an outfit i've worn before..because i know it works.
but you can't pack when you get ready like this!
i asked my sweet friend Fran, who is a flight attendant to give me a few helpful hints...but one of the hints was just not going to work for me:
"Resist the urge to pack a ton of shoes."
uhm. i have to bring a ton of shoes. i have so many cute pairs...but also..i have to bring my shoes to represent redemption.
lets take a look back to 2007:
backpacking adventure of the decade with my bestie Caris. Caris tells me to buy chacos. maybe the worst looking footwear known to fashion. i hated them. i bought them. it was practical. and dumb. wore them to Paris. what were we thinking? fashion capitol of the world. we were stared at, on the metro. apparently you aren't supposed to look at anyone on the metro. oh...but we were STARED at. Clemence picks us up....and makes us take off our shoes. how dare we defile that beautiful Parisian ground with those things. she is mortified. but probably not as mortified as yours truly.
i will forever hate infinity now.
enter 2012 skype date with clemence:
"don't bring your ugly shoes, madrid is very fashionable"
oh. you.mean. she .didn't. forget?. nope. and neither will I.
i am a firm believer in taking fashion risks. but Chacos, even in there wonderful comforts, are not a risk. they are fashion suicide.
*if you thought that being a travel agent makes you a good would be wrong*
Ahhhh hahahah I still keep thinking about the initial picture you sent me of the PILE of shoes. And what I love even more about that is how the shoes you've chosen are probably only a small fraction of the collection you own.
Bryan has THREE pairs of chacos. I feel like it works for dudes. Makes them seem outdoorsy. When we first started dating, he said "Don't you want a pair?" And I said - no. No. No. No.
Is it possible to feel feminine in them? I just don't believe it is.