About Me

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i have a thing for foxes, red doors, and new friends. i also love to shop. a lot. i have nothing profound to say...but you should visit anyway (that rhymed!)

Friday, July 29, 2011

isn't she lovely?

my blog..is well, mine. And ultimately i wanted to use it to be thankful, for God, and all the wonderful, beautiful blessings he has bestowed upon me.
today, it is about my mother in law :)

My husbands family doesn't live here, so i met my mother in law only two times before we got engaged. The first time i met her, she had just been diagnosed with Alzheimers. It was shocking for everyone. She was/is, young, healthy, active and beautiful, and at the time only 49. Alzheimers is something that old people get right? wrong.

(stunning..simply stunning)

(pray my daughters inherit this woman's bod)

(this is one of the hilarious faces)

Before my wedding she lived with me, for a month. It was hard, but so fun. I had never really been exposed to Alzheimers before, which was the hard part. But let me tell you..this woman is hysterical. She cracks jokes all the time, or makes these hilarious faces(see photo), and she loves to let people know how amazing she is :)
Tonight we are heading to North Carolina to pick her up for 2 weeks of eating, movies, laughing, eating, starbucks(her fav) and just relaxing...i cannot wait. i love vacation, but vacation with family is the BEST!
I love you Shanny!

1 comment:

  1. erica... i just started reading (and am actually almost finished with) a book called 'still alice' it's about a woman with early onset alzheimer's. i highly recommend it!
