About Me

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i have a thing for foxes, red doors, and new friends. i also love to shop. a lot. i have nothing profound to say...but you should visit anyway (that rhymed!)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Clothes Out Sale

isn't my title so clever? it will be appreciated more so once you read this post...

i have a guest bedroom. full of CLOTHES. it is basically my closet. It is a land full of possibilities..and none of it is folded, or properly hung up. if you are anal, and organized. you so wish you could help me right now.

i've noticed i wear about 1/3 of it too. so i decided to start over. COMPLETELY. i'm selling jewelry, belts, bags, and CLOTHES. it will be insane. i'm nervous. and excited. if i were in "high school musical" my song would be titled "nervous and excited".
but i'm not. so i will just say that.

i've decided a garage sale isn't my thing. i don't want some stranger discarded that perfectly beaded gem of a necklace...and discarded it like it was RUBBISH. who does he think he is. (ok hopefully it isn't a him).
no, NO sir. i want my friends to enjoy these fabulous finds of mine.

So i'm throwing a Garden Party!

I plan on stringing up fishing wire around my cute little backyard and hanging my fancy finds on them. I will drape my scarves around the trees and we will dance around like little fairies with flowers in our hair!

sound fun? then you should come..and we should be friends!!

Photo Source

Monday, June 25, 2012

music makes me lose control

im a fan of music. i love concerts. and musicians (i married one ;)

so what is better than a music festival in the summer?


my friend Smiley..i love this man

my boo was running one of the stages

i love the photo bombers in the background

my hippie lovers

Thursday, June 14, 2012


last week i was working 24/7. non stop. it was hot. it was sweaty. it was late hours and early mornings. oh..and...it was in st lucia :) try not to hate me...too much..

i guess some would call me the Vanna White of the Caribbean...

these girls were my saving grace during the trip.

St. Lucia is beautiful, and I highly recommend it for a vacation spot. Contrary to what some people may think, I really did work while I was there. And it can be very tiring. But yet, it was in a tropical destination, and how can you be upset when you stare at this instead of your office wall.
I am thankful for these problems :)