About Me

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i have a thing for foxes, red doors, and new friends. i also love to shop. a lot. i have nothing profound to say...but you should visit anyway (that rhymed!)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


(the sartorialist)

i adore girls. i am aware that sounds weird. but i grew up in the land of girls. i have 5 sisters. drama and hairspray were expected scents in our house. oh and coffee.

when we all get together it is mass chaos. everyone fights to get a word in. stories are retold with only slight hyperbole's. someone almost always gets offended. usually its the youngest sister...sorry chris.
movies are quoted so much, and so effortlessly, that when non sisters are with us, they get confused at how the conversation switched so fast about liking blondes, chubby ones, or john wayne being tall...and then back to the original topic. but we all get it. (if you haven't seen "while you were sleeping"...get off your butt and watch it now..NOW)

you don't get much more girl. than my sisters. even the second to the youngest, steph, tries to be less girly..but even she admits that she really likes a good floral print dress and high heels.

i saw this pic on the sartorialist...which is my favorite website in the world. he loves capturing great clothing. but in this pic, it was more about the camaraderie. the women in the picture are swapping shoes. their reasons unknown. perhaps they realized their outfits would look better with each others shoes...maybe one of them was in pain and the other offered to swap her more comfortable shoes for the painful ones...(i prefer this story)

one of my most favorite things to do, is to get ready with other girls. oh it is so. much. fun.
you put some music on, and you cram into the tiny bathroom, fighting for mirror space. you would think that having the mirror all to yourself would be more beneficial for getting ready...it isn't. don't think that.
the fun part is having the conversations flowing about life, love, future plans, what you couldn't believe he/she said to you...or the help that you need.."do i need more bronzer?" "can you curl the back of my hair"

and then you get dressed. best part.
"which shoes?"
"too bootylicious?"
"does this look awkward?"
"necklace and no earrings, or earrings and no necklace?"

i love the advising. and the redo's and then you are done and ready to go out. 8 out of 10 times, the night is not as epic as you were hoping. in fact, many times the night didn't last as much as the primping did. but as long as you had that time with your girls before going out...it was worth it.

for me at least.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

christmas memory

i'm a sucker for sentiments. i love traditions. i try to start them all the time. i'm pretty sure all of us sisters are that way..we get it from our dad.
the weekend was full of sugar, shopping, pj's (specifically christmas colored), snuggling, games, coffee...strong coffee, and relaxing. oh..there were presents too :)

the mr improved his title as "christmas present outdoer"...like that was possible.
he got me a mac. yeah..that's an apple laptop. a really thin one. that fits in my purse. it's is shiny, beautiful, and i cannot take my eyes off of it. what did i get him? a laptop bag. yep. he loves it..but still..he spent 9 times as much as i did. SO not fair. i told him that next year..no presents for me..i'm buying him something ridiculous like a moped...
(side note: i recommend husbands...choose wisely and you will not regret it ;)

My family is huge, so we drew names this year. My brother in law drew me..and he went overboard...uhm i didn't mind. at all. he even got me the fox sweater from my wish list (ahem..click here)

and best of all...my mother in law, the one with the alzhimers...gave me bright red lipstick :)
i had taken her with me to pick up a gift for my friend kelly. she had a hard time keeping up with what we were doing..the questions flowed naturally, over and over, what are we doing? who is this for? is this for you? short term is the hardest for her to remember...but i answered each time as normal as if the first time, we are buying lipstick, for my friend kelly, this isn't for me, it is a christmas gift...well at some point during the line of questioning i answered, "because every girl deserves bright red lipstick..i'd love some"...i know i definitely only said that once....

so when i opened my beautiful scarf she had gotten me (and of course my sister in law had picked it out)..i noticed a tube of lipstick peeking out under the scarf...i looked at Cami and said, "how did you know i wanted some?!" and she explained that it wasn't her that knew...but it was Shannon..she remembered me saying i wanted some lipstick. and she was so excited that she remembered. nothing compares to this gift. it is actually the wrong shade, it is more bright pink...but it doesn't matter..it could have been orange...i will wear this lipstick proudly. it was the best christmas memory i will ever have...in more ways than one.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!

I'm sure there will be a "flurry" of activity in the next 2 days, so i'm posting my christmas wishes tonight..on the eve eve of christmas :)

i have been non stop that last few days. either with my mother in law, who is visiting, or with the wedding...you know..the last minute one...where i found out i was in charge of coordinating...yeah that one.
(it turned out great btw)

Having my m.i.l. here has been so fun. If you remember me posting back in August, about the time she was going to stay with us and backed out..i was very thankful that she decided to come for the holidays. I won't lie, it is not easy, but i am thankful for every moment. i am envious of friends of mine, who get "normal" relationships with their in laws...but overall, i love who she is, despite the Alzheimers..in fact...she is hilarious with the Alzheimers. i think you kinda have to laugh through some of it..or else you wouldn't survive.

anyway, i was asked to host christmas at my house, because my family wanted to be sensitive to what would make her most comfortable. of course, albeit stressful, i was thankful for their compassion and understanding. she has decided not to come..partly due to insecurity, and the other part discomfort, since this is "my" families christmas. i'm sad, but in a way relieved. which i hate admitting...but it is an honest feeling...if you have been around anyone with this dreadful disease, i'm sure you understand.

I'm super excited about her christmas present from the mr. and me! she wanted pictures, and my BEAUTIFUL friend Cara Dee offered to take them for us. We are making a scrap book for her to keep with her and show people. she has a care taker who she loves dearly, and wants to be able to talk about her family and be able to show pictures.
here are a few from the shoot:

(haha cami!)

and now my absolute favorite:

(dad and pup)

hope you have a very merry merry christmas! enjoy your loved ones!

Thursday, December 22, 2011


i love music. so much. i love all types too. seriously. ok..i hate most country..pop country is awful.

my current obsessions are:

Adele, Florence &the Machine, and Sarah Bareilles (i've actually love her since 2006..she was less poppy then), bon iver.

i find that my favorite artists are typically sad, and bluesy. listening to them actually makes me feel sad. ha..but i love it still. and i won't stop.

default favs for a dreary day:
fine frenzy :almost lover
jeff buckley: hallelujah
bon iver: skinny love
swell season: falling slowly
adele:fire to the rain (or pretty much ANY of her songs)
iron&wine:all songs
missy higgins: where i stood.
that is just a snippet.

sobfests. i don't even know why. music just has that ability..for me at least.

i have heard multiple people talk about the civil wars. i've never listened to them..just because i kept forgetting to look them up. but i was reminded of them recently..and with all this spare time i've had...i looked them up.
they are lovely. and of course, they are soulful and sad.

but i will continue to listen and get slightly mopey.

in a good way :)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Product endorsement:

i just have to put this out there...Bandeau's are the way to go's (couldn't help that).

I just bought this from Aerie..and haven't taken it off since...which means i haven't showered. but if you know me..that is normal.
but seriously..i hate bra's (hope no boys read this). but this thing is seriously amazing! i highly recommend. they are super cheap right now too! Only $6 because everything is 40% off!

anywho. thought you should know..nbd

i like presents...

anytime i say..I like... i cannot help but think of this

but seriously...i'll be honest. I love gifts.
But i also LOVE giving gifts. so see, i'm not superficial.

my husband gives GREAT gifts. he seriously outdoes me every year. (don't get me wrong...he has made some mistakes in the past..ex: nothing on valentines day. wha???)

but usually he is incredible at surprises. i hate surprises..i'm a child when it comes to surprises. i ask for a hint about my present at least 3 times a day. i'm relentless.

some examples of his elaborateness:
1st christmas when we were dating, he left to visit his family and left me a gift to open each day. they were the sweetest most thoughtful gifts ever. like one was pictures from when he was 14 and awkward..and a letter about how he wants to be vulnerable with me in every way.. (i was so into this boy) or one day it was shredded letters from ex girlfriends and a letter about how nothing in his past matters to him...only his future with me :) be still muh heart.

his elaborate rooftop tent to ask me to be his girlfriend? or his incredibly elaborate proposal(i should blog about that someday)?

1st christmas married: he bought me new uggs (he HATES boots...HATES), and a polaroid camera...because i had mentioned one time that i have always wanted a polaroid..(i forgot i even wanted one). these were elaborate because 1. he got me something that he hates, knowing i love it, and 2. he had been listening to little heart desires of mine.
(that year i got him a sweater-fail)

last year...oh man.. he totally blew budget.
he gave me 2 great normal gifts, office dvd's and a camelbak...i got him an ipad (with the help of fam members chipping in)..and i was soooo proud of myself for outdoing him FINALLY...only to clean up all the wrapping paper and come out to find a HUGE box that was for me to open...he had gotten me my bright yellow kitchedaid. omjesus.

he just always finds a way, to surprise me and outdo me. i hate it and love it
so, i have huge expectations this year...i'm trying not to, but it is all his fault.

oh and what did i get him? well, i bought him concert tickets to go see foreigner. which they ended up moving concert dates which conflicted with other plans we had..and i had to eventually tell him about it..and find something else to get him...so basically...i have failed...again! BLAST

3 more sleeps till present time (we exchange christmas eve)....

I CANNOT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!

(4 things it could possibly be...iphone4s, fox bracelet, yellow diamond(a girl can dream), trip to NY)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

bucket list...

this is not a "things i want to do before i die..." this is more of a "things i want to do that are silly, but if i don't do them in the next 2 years i'll go big time crazy on all yall's" kinda list...

In no particular order here they are:

1 Buy a ridiculously expensive pair of shoes...these to be exact


2 To wear falsies:
no not false teeth silly..false eye lashes

(this sounds silly, but i've really wanted to do this!)

3 Have an adventure....not in the states!
thinking of possibly Argentina or Brazil!

(this is in Rio De Janero)

4 Run a marthon:
i am sure if you have ever read my blog..you know that me and working out isn't exactly...natural...but, i really feel like getting fit is a priority and i want to say that i ran one at least once in my life..or twice :)

(the abs wouldn't hurt either:)

5 Go here:

(true story: i've never been to NYC and i'm DYING to go!)

6 have the guts to sky dive...
oy vey..

7 Go to an art gallery...never been...always wanted to go

(where i can marvel at a painting and stand there until it "speaks" something absurd to me..ha)

8 To become a morning person...(this may be the hardest)

9 to finish my front room...ya know..this one:

and lastly...and because i had to have 10...
10 to be the favorite auntie to 3 very important babies:

(this baby first...)

(then this one)

(and lastly this one!)

wow...what a fun 2 years i'm about to have ;)

last minute world

my life the past two weeks has been full of last minute everything:

Last minute shopping

Last minute wrapping

Last minute food prep

Last minute hosting christmas at my house for everyone (what???)

Last minute bachelorette parties

Last minute WEDDING! (holy cow)

Last minute cleaning

Last minute baking

oh i am ready for no more last minutes!!!

i probably should be waking up earlier.....then maybe everything won't be so last minute...


Monday, December 19, 2011

monday is no fun day

but...thankfully i have eye candy such as:

- oh i can waste hours on here! such beautiful people, and clothing..and exotic locations...

Asos- affordable, designer, unique, wishlisting everything!

Need Supply Co-new site i've stumbled upon...

(seriously debating on buying this!)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

feeling nostalgic...

i had a "tete a tete" last night with an old friend...one of my oldest actually (8th grade). it is refreshing being with someone who knows you through everything. you jump topics like wild children with ADHD, ex: "omg who is blowing up your phone? a new boy? what's his name? hey why are you so tan?"-this was in fact an entire sentence of mine last night to her, which she answered without missing a step...
(his name is Adam :)

I love meeting new people, like seriously, it is like a fun habit for me. but being with old friends is something akin to honey on a sore throat...

I have been more than blessed when it comes to friendships. each one is so unique and versatile. and when they are all together (which happens seldom), they all get along and are hilarious together. I remember watching them all, as i got my hair done for my wedding, they were running around curling each others hair, advising makeup, and dancing to silly music. In a way, it was a reflection of me. here are all the girls in my life that have meant the most to me. they each represent a facet of my life, my personality, and my individuality. i think i was also thinking, "gee i would much rather be a bridesmaid right now than the bride" -(it looked like more fun)

everyone should have a best friend. some how i was blessed with about 9 of them...and that number keeps expanding each year :)

Monday, December 12, 2011

wish list:

(vintage yellow coffee cups- etsy)


(forever 21)

(Angel perfume)

(urban outfitters)


ok, i know i didn't explain vegas well. mostly because i didn't have time.
i had such a good, unexpected trip, that it really is hard to explain through a post.

so here are my loves, and loathes of Vegas:


the lights: especially because it was decorated for christmas. it was so beautiful and flashy and bright.

the shops: there were so many great shops, and yes we did go to the 3 story h&m :) and i found the sweater i had seen on pinterest, so i bought it. naturally

the watershow at the Bellagio: so beautiful, and fascinating

the inspiration: i found it there. for fashion, for life. a new determination to pursue what i want. and feel good about. not a self gratifying way, but a confidence in what i know is right. i am aware this is vague. but i had some intense convos in vegas that lead me to some of these realizations about myself.

the casinos: they were pretty, but so sad. the overweight, smoking, lifeless looking people who sat at these machines who were wasting their lives away. oh i hated it.

The smoke: oh lordy, everyone smokes and it's all contained in these restaurants and casino rooms. you cannot walk through a lobby, or from one side to another without your contacts clouding over. yuck.

the exploitation of women: wow. it is everywhere.

Overall, i did have a great time, mostly because of the people we met, and who showed us around.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


i don't think i will ever be able to explain this past trip.
it really was great. but great doesn't suffice...so here are a few words to explain:

glamorous. unexpected. french. surreal. beautiful. sexy. loud. breathtaking. ego boosting. hilarious. awkward. and my favorite, EPIC.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

and it was alll yellow

that was how my day was.

no i didn't not buy a bunch of yellow stuff...but it was the perfect day.

shopping with my mom was a blast. tried out some new stores, they were all have sales because it was a "shop local weekend". so i scored some great bargains, and my mom was a great help. I bought flats, a skirt, 2 shirts, and 3 pairs of earrings. And, i decided to keep some wedge booties i had bought, but was leery of it i could pull them off. which i decided, yes i can. Here are some of the looks i purchased this week:

These are my new boots:

(4inch heels...which makes me 6ft when i wear them..yikes)

(the lookbook.nu)
these skirts are great for winter, they can be dressy or casual and worn with boots, or flats, leggings/tights. and super comfy. plus they always make me feel like a dancer :)

I had been looking for a cream blouse..and finally found one at Khols. of all places.
it's lighter than this shade, and has bright gold buttons. it's sheer and is great for spring or fall/winter. you can wear it tucked into trouser jeans, or wear it over skinny jeans (i feel like to pull it off that way, you need to get one that is long enough to cover the booty)

I also found a great blazer

(i did not buy this exact one :)

So..Viva Las Vegas!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Round 2

OK, so i'm heading out again to shop :) i promise i don't have an addiction....
But this time, my hair is done, i feel skinny, and i'm dressed up...i also have a LOT of makeup on...

And i'm taking my mom with me..mom's are loving but honest critics (which is a must for shopping)

if my husband wasn't glued to the UNC/UK game, i'd have him take a pic of my outfit, bc i kinda really love it...prob will wear it in Vegas.

Wish me luck!

Friday, December 2, 2011

ugly days+shopping days= disaster

i had an ugly day yesterday..first off...i wore a collard shirt.
i never wear collared shirts. i always had on too tight jeggings (my husband refers to them as "spice girls music video pants" whatever that is supposed to mean).
My hair was dirty and pulled back, and i was bloated (worst part).

so i went shopping. bad idea. very bad.

and my super model looking best friend went with me...great fellowship, but didn't help my ugly state...i'm not sure if it was the fact that she is always so beautiful..in a "i'm native american and tan all year round, i just woke up, and don't have any makeup on and still look like i should be on a cover of a magazine" kind of way...or the fact that she looks like that, while 6 mths pregnant, and was wearing smaller sizes than me still kind of way.....Love you cara :)

either way...i felt gross.

i recently took my beautiful friend Nina shopping. she needed my expertise (so fun) for outfits to wear in a photoshoot with her family. She got her hair did, and makeup done by a professional. She looked amazing, and she felt confident, which made everything she put on, look fabulous. it was awesome.

Confidence is the key accessory for ANY outfit.

Well i definitely lacked this last night.
i felt like this:

(which was what i looked like in college...every day..no lie)

what i wanted to feel like:

not so much alike...

oh well, there is always tomorrow :)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

for vegas

i plan on going shopping this evening for the following items:



Wedge booties

sheer blouse

wish me luck!


that is what i would call this fake tree of ours...
we put it up last night...well, i put it up last night, the Mr. sat in a nearby chair working and watching...not because he is rude, but because he had to work and i didn't want to wait for his help. buuut he did end up coming over while i tried to figure out the order of the parts...which were simply tagged as A B C D, and they were to be assembled in that order....did i do this at first? nope.

anyway, we got it up in about 15 minutes! whoah.

plugged it in, and TA DA!

that was it! so simple!

Jack was a little skeptical about it, but after he thoroughly sniffed it, he was satisfied. I just couldn't believe how easy it was. I started to put the decorations on it, and after i got most of it on, i sat back to look at it. It was so pretty! But the more i looked at it, i thought...wow..this tree looks wonky. i don't know how else to explain it. ha, oh well!
the house is definitely no where to being ready for show, but soon...hopefully soon!